Bringing fresh lens to 30+ years in the interior and home design industry. Two generations cross to offer different perspective. This is where the history of Wu Way Design takes off.
Upon graduating with Bachelor of Science from ArtCenter, Belinda seeks to bring projects the Wu Way Design twist that’ll make designs stand out from cookie-cutter options.
For exhibitions and restaurants, her drivers are interpreting the content into metaphors that convey the message meaningfully while representing the collection to enhance the impact of the experience both practically and poetically.
Born to two interior designers with an eye for European extravagance, Belinda Wu grew up knowing early on that she wanted to succeed her parents in the housing industry and to further their legacy through brand recognition.
As an enthusiastic generator of ideas, she soon developed a reputation of being prompt to propose solutions in order to build a purposeful spatial experience, with a quirky attitude toward referencing ambitious conceptual inspirations and bringing them into the 21st-century, which has distinguished her from her contemporary peers.
For her, it’s in the little details. Every design decision must be nuanced and thoughtful.